Parents Regulation

  • Parents leaving their ward at the hostel for the first time must appreciate that the child will feel uneasy to begin with, but will soon adapt to their new environment. Frequent visits can often hinder the settling-in-process. Therefore,  parents are not permitted to visit their children for the first month following admission.
  • Parents may reach out to the school office to inquire in respect of their ward between 10am and 3pm everyday. In case of an emergency, they may of course, call at any time. 
  • To speak to a House Master or Hostel-In-Charge, parents may call Monday through Friday between 4.00 pm and 5.00 pm. To facilitate easy communication between the students and parents a special arrangement has been made whereby students can directly call their parents on Sundays and on holidays. Students are permitted to call only those telephone numbers which have been endorsed by their parents. 
  • Parents are welcome to meet the Chairman, the Principal and the teachers during their visit to School. The ideal time to meet the teachers is either before morning prayer, during the brief mid-morning break or immediately after school hours at 3.20 pm. Such meetings may also be arranged on Sundays and holidays if discussed in advance. 
  • Parents visiting their children at school must not enter the boarding house premises without prior approval of the House Master and Hostel In-Charge. Boarding Houses are the private abode of the school community.
  • If parents desire that their child should not be permitted to meet any person other than those whose photograph has been attached to the admission form, they must ensure that a special endorsement is made on the admission form and counter-signed by the Chairman & Director or the Principal.
  • Parents are advised not to leave any valuables in the possession of children. The school shall not be responsible for their safety.
  • In the interests of the students, correspondence received may be subject to censorship or checking.
  • All school dues must be paid on or before they are due. Failing this, a fine of 2% will be imposed for every delayed installment. Parents who become consistent defaulters may ill be asked to withdraw their child or children.
  • The Chairman & Director or the Principal can ask a parent to withdraw their child if it is felt that the child’s presence has a consistently bad influence on others. The Chairman & Director or the Principal may also remove a child from the school if their parent or guardian misbehaves with the school staff.
  • At the commencement of winter break, all parents are required to visit campus and accompany their children home except those whose wards are traveling under school arrangement.
  • Correspondence concerning school fee, accounts payable, academic performance or letters of complaint should be addressed to the Chairman & Director. All correspondence must contain the student’s house number and grade.
  • Three months’ notice or three months’ fee in lieu thereof must be put forth before a pupil can be withdrawn. Transfer certificates and other school related documents pertaining to withdrawals are not issued until all dues are settled. Parents who intend to withdraw their child must confirm this to school authorities by the middle of March, failing which the security deposit will not be refunded. However, in some cases, the security must be claimed within one year of the date of withdrawal.

  • The school will not be liable for any damage/charges on account of injuries, fatal or otherwise, which may be sustained by the student at any time during his/her stay in the school while taking part in sports/games and any other form of activity of the school, within or outside the school premises. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parent/guardian of the child


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